
>Some publications of customers using our products

If you would like to add your publication(s) to this list please feel free to contact us.

Imaging strain-controlled magnetic reversal in thin CrSBr

Kousik Bagani, Andriani Vervelaki, Daniel Jetter, Aravind Devarakonda, Marta A. Tschudin, Boris Gross, Daniel G. Chica, David A. Broadway, Cory R. Dean, Xavier Roy, Patrick Maletinsky, Martino Poggio 2024-08-14

Aluminum nuclear demagnetization refrigerator for powerful continuous cooling

Matthias Raba, Sebastien Triqueneaux, James Butterworth, David Schmoranzer, Emilio Barria, Jerome Debray, Guillaume Donnier-Valentin, Thibaut Gandit, Anne Gerardin, Johannes Goupy, Olivier Tissot, Eddy Collin, and Andrew Fefferman 2024-07-25

The end-to-end simulator of the ATHENA X-IFU Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector (CryoAC)

J. T. Fry, Aobo Li, Zhenghao Fu, Lindley Winslow, Xinyi Hope Fu, Kaliroe M. W. Pappas 2024-07-19

TIDMAD: Time Series Dataset for Discovering Dark Matter with AI Denoising

M. D’Andrea, G. Torrioli, C. Macculi, M. Kiviranta 2024-06-05

Thermalization of a SQUID chip at cryogenic temperature: Thermal conductance measurement for GE 7031 Varnish Glue, Apiezon N Grease and Rubber Cement between 20 and 200 mK

Kousik Bagani, Andriani Vervelaki, Daniel Jetter, Aravind Devarakonda, Marta A. Tschudin, Boris Gross, Daniel G. Chica, David A. Broadway, Cory R. Dean, Xavier Roy, Patrick Maletinsky, Martino Poggio 2024-01-22

Nanofluidic platform for studying the first-order phase transitions in superfluid helium-3

Kousik Bagani, Andriani Vervelaki, Daniel Jetter, Aravind Devarakonda, Marta A. Tschudin, Boris Gross, Daniel G. Chica, David A. Broadway, Cory R. Dean, Xavier Roy, Patrick Maletinsky, Martino Poggio 2024-01-19

Magnetic microcalorimeter with paramagnetic temperature sensors and integrated dc-SQUID readout for high-resolution x-ray emission spectroscopy

Petri J. Heikkinen, Nathan Eng, Lev V. Levitin, Xavier Rojas, Angadjit Singh, Samuli Autti, Richard P. Haley, Mark Hindmarsh, Dmitry E. Zmeev, Jeevak M. Parpia, Andrew Casey, John Saunders 2024-01-18

SQUID-based superconducting microcalorimeter with in situ tunable gain

C. Schuster and S. Kempf 2023-12-19

The Multi-mode Acoustic Gravitational Wave Experiment: MAGE

William M. Campbell, Maxim Goryachev and Michael E. Tobar 2023-11-24

Visualizing thickness-dependent magnetic textures in few-layer Cr2Ge2Te6

Andriani Vervelaki, Kousik Bagani, Daniel Jetter, Manh-Ha Doan, Tuan K. Chau, Boris Gross, Dennis Christensen, Peter Bøggild, Martino Poggio 2023-11-14

High-sensitivity transition-edge-sensed bolometers: improved speed and characterization with AC and DC bias

Logan Foote, Michael D. Audley, Charles (Matt) Bradford, Gert de Lange, Pierre Echternach, Dale J. Fixsen, Howard Hui, Matthew Kenyon, Hien Nguyen, Roger O’Brient, Elmer H. Sharp, Johannes G. Staguhn, Jan van der Kuur, and Jonas Zmuidzinas 2023-10-04

High precision measurement of the 99Tc β spectrum

M. Paulsen, P. C.-O. Ranitzsch, M. Loidl, M. Rodrigues, K. Kossert, X. Mougeot, A. Singh, S. Leblond, J. Beyer, L. Bockhorn, C. Enss, M. Wegner, S. Kempf, and O. Nähle 2023-09-14

Realization of the quantum ampere using the quantum anomalous Hall and Josephson effects

Linsey K. Rodenbach, Ngoc Thanh Mai Tran, Jason M. Underwood, Alireza R. Panna, Molly P. Andersen, Zachary S. Barcikowski, Shamith U. Payagala, Peng Zhang, Lixuan Tai, Kang L. Wang, Randolph E. Elmquist, Dean G. Jarrett, David B. Newell, Albert F. Rigosi and David Goldhaber-Gordon 2023-07-31

Applying Superfluid Helium to Light Dark Matter Searches: Demonstration of the HeRALD Detector Concept

R. Anthony-Petersen, A. Biekert, C.L. Chang, Y. Chang, L. Chaplinsky, A. Dushkin, C.W. Fink, M. Garcia-Sciveres, W. Guo, S.A. Hertel, X. Li, J. Lin, R. Mahapatra, W. Matava, D.N. McKinsey, D.Z. Osterman, P.K. Patel, B. Penning, H.D. Pinckney,, ∗ M. Platt, M. Pyle, Y. Qi, M. Reed, G.R.C Rischbieter, R.K. Romani, A. Serafin, B. Serfass, R.J. Smith, P. Sorensen, B. Suerfu, A. Suzuki, V. Velan, G. Wang, Y. Wang, S.L. Watkins, and M.R. Williams 2023-07-21

Results from a Prototype TES Detector for the Ricochet Experiment

C. Augier et al. 2023-04-28

Fabrication of Nb and MoGe SQUID-on-tip probes by magnetron sputtering

G. Romagnoli, E. Marchiori, K. Bagani, and M. Poggio 2023-03-13

Magnetic Zeppelin: Detection of gravitational drive in the Hz regime

Tim M. Fuchs, Dennis Uitenbroek, Jaimy Plugge, Noud van Halteren, Andrea Vinante, Hendrik Ulbricht and Tjerk H. Oosterkamp 2023-03-06

SQUID current sensors with an integrated thermally actuated input current limiter

R Körber1, P Krzysteczko, M Klemm, T Liu, J-H Storm and J Beyer 2023-02-27

Non-Gaussian quantum state generation by multi-photon subtraction at the telecommunication wavelength


New Results from HAYSTAC’s Phase II Operation with a Squeezed State Receiver

M.J. Jewell, A.F. Leder, K.M. Backes, Xiran Bai, K. van Bibber, B.M. Brubaker, S.B. Cahn, A. Droster, Maryam H. Esmat, Sumita Ghosh, Eleanor Graham, Gene C. Hilton, H. Jackson, Claire Laffan, S.K. Lamoreaux, K.W. Lehnert, S.M. Lewis, M. Malnou, R.H. Maruyama, D.A. Palken, N.M. Rapidis, § E.P. Ruddy, M. Simanovskaia, Sukhman Singh, D.H. Speller, Leila R. Vale, H. Wang, and Yuqi Zhu 2023-01-26

Precision measurement of an electron pump at 2 GHz

Stephen P. Giblin, Gento Yamahata, Akira Fujiwara, and Masaya Kataoka 2023-01-11

Fragile electronic superconductivity in Bi Single crystal

Anil Kumar, Rajendra Loke, Arindam Pramanik, Rajdeep Sensarma, Sitaram Ramakrishnan, Om Prakash, Biplab Bag, Arumugam Thamizhavel and Srinivasan Ramakrishnan 2022-12-07

An ultra-low field SQUID magnetometer for measuring antiferromagnetic and weakly remanent magnetic materials at low temperatures

Michael Paulsen, Julian Lindner, Bastian Klemke, Jörn Beyer, Michael Fechner, Dennis Meier, and Klaus Kiefer 2022-11-23

Large area photon calorimeter with Ir-Pt bilayer transition-edge sensor for the CUPID experiment

V. Singh, M. Beretta, E.V. Hansen, and K.J. Vetter, G. Benato, C. Capelli, B.K. Fujikawa, and B. Schmidt, C.L. Chang, Yu.G. Kolomensky and B. Welliver, M. Lisovenko, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko, and J. Zhang, L. Marini, WK. Kwok, J. Pearson, and U. Welp, V. Novosad 2022-10-30

Magnetic cooling and vibration isolation of a sub-kHz mechanical resonator

Bernard van Heck, Tim Fuchs, Jaimy Plugge, Wim A. Bosch and Tjerk H. Oosterkamp 2022-08-24

A Route to Large-Scale Ultra-Low Noise Detector Arrays for Far-Infrared Space Applications

David J. Goldie, Stafford Withington, Christopher N. Thomas, Peter A. R. Ade, and Rashmi V. Sudiwala 2022-06-30

Magnetic imaging of superconducting qubit devices with scanning SQUID-on-tip

E. Marchiori, L. Ceccarelli, N. Rossi, G. Romagnoli, J. Herrmann, J.-C. Besse, S. Krinner, A. Wallraff, and M. Poggio 2022-06-16

High precision measurement of the 151Sm beta decay by means of a metallic magnetic calorimeterp

Karsten Kossert, Martin Loidl, Xavier Mougeot, Michael Paulsen, Philipp Ranitzsch, Matias Rodrigues 2022-05-09

Investigation of the stability of graphene devices for quantum resistance metrology at direct and alternating current

Dong-Hun Chae, Mattias Kruskopf, Jan Kucera, Jaesung Park, Ngoc Thanh Mai Tran, Dan Bee Kim, Klaus Pierz, Martin Götz, Yefei Yin, Pavel Svoboda, Petr Chrobok, François Couëdo and Félicien Schopfer 2022-03-09

Comparison of low dc current traceability methods, and gas capacitors ac-dc dependence

Luca Callegaro, Cristina Cassiago, Vincenzo D’Elia, Enrico Gasparotto, Emanuele Enrico and Martin Götz 2022-02-15

Integration of maXs-type microcalorimeter detectors for high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy into the experimental environment at the CRYRING@ESR electron cooler

Ph. Pfäfflein, S. Bernitt, Ch. Hahn, M. O. Herdrich, F. M. Kröger, E. B. Menz, T. Over, B. Zhu, and Th. Stöhlker, G. Weber, S. Allgeier, M. Friedrich, D. Hengstler, P. Kuntz, and A. Fleischmann, Ch. Enss, A. Kalinin, M. Lestinsky, B. Löher, and U. Spillmann 2022-02-01

Controlling the error mechanism in a tunable-barrier non-adiabatic charge pump by dynamic gate compensation

Frank Hohls, Vyacheslavs Kashcheyevs, Friederike Stein, Tobias Wenz, Bernd Kaestner, and Hans W. Schumacher 2021-12-20

WISPLC: Search for Dark Matter with LC Circuit

Zhongyue Zhang and Dieter Horns, Oindrila Ghosh 2021-12-03

TES Detector for ALPS II

Rikhav Shah, Katharina-Sophie Isleif, Friederike Januschek, Axel Lindner and Matthias Schott 2021-10-20

Determining the temperature-dependent London penetration depth in HTS thin films and its effect on SQUID performance

Shane Keenan, Colin Pegrum, Marc Gali Labarias, and Emma E Mitchell 2021-09-28

An acrylic assembly for low temperature detectors

M. Biassoni, C. Brofferio, M. Faverzani, E. Ferri, S. Ghislandi, S. Pozzi, and S. Quitadamo 2021-09-19

Improvements of the programmable quantum current generator for better traceability of electrical current measurements

Sophie Djordjevic, Ralf Behr, Dietmar Drung, Martin Götz and Wilfrid Poirier 2021-07-02

Improvements of the programmable quantum current generator for better traceability of electrical current measurements

Sophie Djordjevic, Ralf Behr, Dietmar Drung, Martin Götz and Wilfrid Poirier 2021-02-22

Multichannel read-out for arrays of metallic magnetic calorimeters

F. Mantegazzini, S. Allgeier, A. Barth, C. Enss, A. Ferring-Siebert, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo, R. Hammann, D. Hengstler, S. Kempf, D. Richter, D. Schulz, D. Unger, C. Velte, M. Wegner 2021-02

Faking photon number on a transition-edge sensor

Poompong Chaiwongkhot, Jiaqiang Zhong, Anqi Huang, Hao Qin, Sheng-cai Shi, and Vadim Makarov 2021-02-19

AC/DC characterization of a Ti/Au TES with Au/Bi absorber for X-ray detection

E. Taralli, C. Pobes, P. Khosropanah, L. Fabrega, A. Camón, L. Gottardi, K. Nagayoshi, M. Ridder, M. Bruijn, J.R. Gao 2021-02-18

The search for low-mass axion dark matter with ABRACADABRA-10 cm

Chiara P. Salemi, Joshua W. Foster, Jonathan L. Ouellet, Andrew Gavin, Kaliroë M. W. Pappas, Sabrina Cheng, Kate A. Richardson, Reyco Henning, Yonatan Kahn, Rachel Nguyen, Nicholas L. Rodd, Benjamin R. Safdi, and Lindley Winslow 2021-02-12

Noninvasive neuromagnetic single-trial analysis of human neocortical population spikes

Gunnar Waterstraata, Rainer Körber, Jan-Hendrik Storm, and Gabriel Curio, PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 11 e2017401118

Thermal and Electrical Performance Study of Cold-Finger 3he Cryostat in Precision Measurement of Quantum Hall Resistance and Single-Electron Current

Ghee, Young Seok; Kim, Wan Seop; Chae, Dong Hun; Kim, Bum Kyu; Muhojoki, Jesse; Bae, Myung Ho; Kim, Nam 2021-01-01

Calibration of ultrastable low-noise current amplifiers without direct use of a cryogenic current comparator

M Götz, D Drung, C Krause and Mortara A Metrologia 57 (2020) 055008 (9pp)

A Three-step Model for Optimizing Coil Spacings Inside Cuboid-shaped Magnetic Shields

Tianhao Liu, Allard Schnabel, Jens Voigt, Zhiyin Sun, and Liyi Li 2020-08-25

Search for axion-like dark matter with ferromagnets

Alexander V. Gramolin, Deniz Aybas, Dorian Johnson, Janos Adam & Alexander O. Sushkov, Nature Physics, 2020-08-17

On-scalp MEG SQUIDs are sensitive to early somatosensory activity unseen by conventional MEG

Lau M. Andersena, Christoph Pfeiffer, Silvia Ruffieux, Bushra Riaze, Dag Winkler, Justin F. Schneiderman, Daniel Lundqvist, 2020-07-11

On-site comparison of quantum Hall effect resistance standards of the KRISS and the BIPM: ongoing key comparison BIPM.EM-K12

P Gournay, B Rolland, D-H Chae and W-S Kim, 2020-05

Precision current measurement with thermal-drift-minimized offset current for single-parameter electron pumps based on gate-switching technique

Bum-Kyu Kim, Suk-In Park, Jindong Song, Hyung-Kook Choi, Wan-Seop Kim, Nam Kim, and Myung-Ho Bae, AIP Advances 10, 045332, 2020-04-27

From Counting Electrons to Calibrating Ammeters: Improved Methodologies for Traceable Measurements of Small Electric Currents

Stephen P. Giblin, Jordan Tompkins, 2020-03-28

Quantum mechanical current-to-voltage conversion with quantum Hall resistance array

Dong-Hun Chae, Mun-Seog Kim, Wan-Seop Kim, Takehiko Oe, Nobu-Hisa Kaneko, 2020-03-09

Challenging spontaneous collapse models with ultracold layered force sensors

A. Vinante, M. Carlesso, A. Bassi, A. Chiasera, S. Varas, P. Falferi, B. Margesin, R. Mezzena, H. Ulbricht, 2020-02-22

Realisation of a quantum current standard at liquid helium temperature with sub-ppm reproducibility

Stephen P. Giblin, Emma Mykkänen, Antti Kemppinen, Pekka Immonen, Antti Manninen, Máté Jenei, Mikko Möttönen, Gento Yamahata, Akira Fujiwara, and Masaya Kataoka, 2020-01-23

Design of a testbed for the study of system interference in space CMB polarimetry

T. Ghignaa, T. Matsumurab, M. Hazumic, S. L. Steverb, Y. Sakuraib, N. Katayamab, A. Suzukif, B. Westbrookg, A. T. Lee, 2019-11-27

The role of kinetic inductance on the performance of YBCO SQUID magnetometers

S Ruffieux, A Kalaboukhov, M Xie, M Chukharkin, C Pfeiffer, S Sepehri, J F Schneiderman and D Winkler, 2019-10-09

SQUID magnetometer based on Grooved Dayem nanobridges and a flux transformer

Edoardo Trabaldo, Christoph Pfeiffer, Eric Andersson, Riccardo Arpaia, Alexei Kalaboukhov, Dag Winkler, Floriana Lombardi, Thilo Bauch, 2019-08-26

Development of a beta spectrometry setup using metallic magnetic calorimeters

M. Paulsen, J. Beyer, L. Bockhorn, C. Enss, S. Kempf, K. Kossert, M. Loidl, R. Mariam, O. Nähle, P. Ranitzsch and M. Rodrigues, 2019-08-08

Exclusion Limits on Hidden-Photon Dark Matter near 2 neV from a Fixed-Frequency Superconducting Lumped-Element Resonator

A. Phipps, S. E. Kuenstner, S. Chaudhuri, C. S. Dawson, B. A. Young, C. T. FitzGerald, H. Froland, K. Wells, D. Li, H. M. Cho, S. Rajendran, P. W. Graham, and K. D. Irwin, 2019-06-20

Measurement of the Permanent Electric Dipole Moment of the 129Xe Atom

F. Allmendinger, I. Engin, W. Heil, S. Karpuk, H.-J. Krause, B. Niederländer, A. Offenhäusser, M. Repetto, U. Schmidt, and S. Zimmer, 2019-06-03

A 7-channel high-Tc SQUID-based on-scalp MEG system

Christoph Pfeiffer, Silvia Ruffieux, Lars Jönsson1, Maxim L. Chukharkin, Alexei Kalaboukhov, Minshu Xie, Dag Winkler, and Justin F. Schneiderman, 2019-01-31


M. Fernandes, D. Alves, T. Koettig, A. Lees, J. Tan, M. Schwickert, T. Stöhlker, C.P Welsch
IPAC2018, Vancouver, ISBN: 978-3-95450-184-7

First Results from ABRACADABRA-10 cm: A Search for Sub-µeV Axion Dark Matter

Jonathan L. Ouellet et al., 2018-10-29

Inter-laboratory nanoamp current comparison with sub-part-per-million uncertainty

S. P. Giblin, D. Drung, M. Götz, and H. Scherer, 2018-08-30

Feasibility of imaging using Boltzmann polarization in nuclear Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy

M. de Wit, G. Welker, J.J.T. Wagenaar, F.G. Hoekstra, and T.H. Oosterkamp, 2018-09-25

The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: improvement of the test setup towards the Demonstration Model

M. D’Andrea, C. Macculi, A. Argan, S. Lotti, G. Minervini, L. Piro, M. Biasotti, D. Corsini, F. Gatti, G. Torrioli, A. Volpe, 2018-07-23

Constructing a Vector Scanning SQUID System

Vu The Dang, Masaki Toji, Atsuki Ito, Yoshitsugu Ninomiya, Shigeyuki Miyajima, Ho Thanh Huy, Hiroaki Shishido, Masaru Kato, Mutsuo Hidaka, Masahiko Hayashi and Takekazu Ishida
JoP: Conference Series, Volume 1054, conference 1, July 2018

Application of SQUIDs to low temperature and high magnetic field measurements - Ultra low noise torque magnetometry

F. Arnold, M. Naumann, Th. Lühmann, A. P. Mackenzie, and E. Hassinger, 2018-02-08

Precision measurement of the quantized anomalous Hall resistance at zero magnetic field

Martin Götz, Kajetan M. Fijalkowski, Eckart Pesel, Matthias Hartl, Steffen Schreyeck, Martin Winnerlein, Stefan Grauer, Hansjörg Scherer, Karl Brunner, Charles Gould, Franz J. Ahlers, and Laurens W. Molenkamp
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 072102 (2018),

Volume-amplified magnetic bioassay integrated with microfluidic sample handling and high-Tc SQUID magnetic readout

Sobhan Sepehri, Emil Eriksson, Alexei Kalaboukhov, Teresa Zardán Gómez de la Torre, Kiryl Kustanovich, Aldo Jesorka, Justin F. Schneiderman, Jakob Blomgren, Christer Johansson, Maria Strømme, and Dag Winkler 
APL Bioengineering 2, 016102 (2017),, 2017-12-29

On-site comparison of Quantum Hall Effect resistance standards of the CMI and the BIPM: ongoing key comparison BIPM.EM-K12

Pierre Gournay, Benjamin Rolland, Jan Kucera and Lucie Vojácková 
Metrologia, Volume 54, Technical Supplement, October 2017

Part-per-million quantization and current-induced breakdown of the quantum anomalous Hall effect

E. J. Fox, I. T. Rosen, Yanfei Yang, George R. Jones, Randolph E. Elmquist, Xufeng Kou, Lei Pan, Kang L. Wang, and D. Goldhaber-Gordon, October 2017

Exploring the Photon-Number Distribution of Bimodal Microlasers

Elisabeth Schlottmanna, Martin von Helversen, Heinrich A. M. Leymann, Thomas Lettau, Felix Krüger, Marco Schmidt, Christian Schneider, Martin Kamp, Sven Höfling, Jörn Beyer, Jan Wiersig, and Stephan Reitzenstein, September 2017

A modular, extendible and field-tolerant multichannel vector magnetometer based on current sensor SQUIDs

J-H Storm, D. Drung, M. Burghoff and R. Körber, August 2017

Direct Comparison of Fractional and Integer Quantized Hall Resistance

Franz J. Ahlers, Martin Götz, Klaus Pierz
arXiv:1703.05213v6, June 2017

Application of SQUIDs to low temperature and high magnetic field measurements - Ultra low noise torque magnetometry

F. Arnold, M. Naumann, Th. Lühmann, A.P. Mackenzie, and E. Hassinger, June 2017

Improved constraints on monopole-dipole interaction mediated by pseudo-scalar bosons

N. Crescini, C. Braggio, G. Carugno, P. Falferi, A. Ortolan, G. Ruoso
arXiv:1705.06044v1, May 2017

Magnetic cooling for microkelvin nanoelectronics on a cryofree platform

Mario Palma, Dario Maradan, Lucas Casparis, Tai-Min Liu, Florian Froning, Dominik M. Zumbühl
arXiv:1702.06425, Feb 2017

Design Overview of the DM Radio Pathfinder Experiment

Maximiliano Silva-Feaver, Saptarshi Chaudhuri, Hsaio-Mei Cho, Carl Dawson, Peter Graham, Kent Irwin, Stephen Kuenstner, Dale Li, Jeremy Mardon, Harvey Moseley, Richard Mule, Arran Phipps, Surjeet Rajendran, Zach Steffen, Betty Young
arXiv:1610.09344v1, Oct 2016

Reducing current noise in cryogenic experiments by vacuum-insulated cables

E. Mykkänen, J. S. Lehtinen, A. Kemppinen, C. Krause, D. Drung, J. Nissilä, and A. J. Manninen
arXiv:1604.03903v2, August 2016

Calorimetric observation of single He2* excimers in a 100 mK He bath

F.W. Carter, S.A. Hertel, M.J. Rooks, P.V.E. McClintock, D.N. McKinsey, and D.E. Prober
arXiv:1605.00694, July 2016

The QUAX-g_p g_s experiment to search for monopole-dipole Axion interaction

Nicolò Crescini, Caterina Braggio, Giovanni Carugno, Paolo Falferi, Antonello Ortolan, Giuseppe Ruoso
arXiv:1606.04751v2, June 2016

Optical performance of an ultra-sensitive horn-coupled transition-edge-sensor bolometer with hemispherical backshort in the far infrared

Michael D. Audley, Gert de Lange, Jian-Rong Gao, Pourya Khosropanah, Richard Hijmering, Marcel Ridder, Philip D. Mauskopf, Dmitry Morozov, Neil A. Trappe, Stephen Doherty
 arXiv:1603.07944v1, March 2016

Magnetization reversal of an individual exchange biased permalloy nanotube

A. Buchter, R. Wölbing, M. Wyss, O. F. Kieler, T. Weimann, J. Kohlmann, A. B. Zorin, D. Rüffer, F. Matteini, G. Tütüncüoglu, F. Heimbach, A. Kleibert, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, D. Grundler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, M. Poggio
arXiv:1512.00199v1, December 2015

A significant-loophole-free test of Bell’s theorem with entangled photons

Marissa Giustina, Marijn A. M. Versteegh, Sören Wengerowsky, Johannes Handsteiner, Armin Hochrainer, Kevin Phelan, Fabian Steinlechner, Johannes Kofler Jan-Ake Larsson, Carlos Abellan, Waldimar Amaya, Valerio Pruneri, Morgan W. Mitchell, Jörn Beyer, Thomas Gerrits, Adriana E. Lita, Lynden K. Shalm, Sae Woo Nam, Thomas Scheidl, Rupert Ursin, Bernhard Wittmann, and Anton Zeilinger
Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 25041 (2015), DOI

HfTi-nanoSQUID gradiometers with high linearity

S. Bechstein, F. Ruede, D. Drung, J.-H. Storm, O. F. Kieler, J. Kohlmann, T. Weimann, and T. Schurig
Applied Physics Letters 106, 07260, (2015)

Low-Noise YBa_2Cu_3O_7 NanoSQUIDs for Performing Magnetization-Reversal Measurements on Magnetic Nanoparticles

T. Schwarz, R. Wölbing, C. F. Reiche, B. Müller, M. J. Martínez-Pérez, T. Mühl, B. Büchner, R. Kleiner, and D. Koelle
arXiv:1503.06090v1, March 2015

Design and performance of an absolute 3He/Cs magnetometer

H.-C. Koch, G. Bison, Z. D. Grujic, W. Heil, M. Kasprzak, P. Knowles, A. Kraft, A. Pazgalev, A. Schnabel, J. Voigt, A. Weis
 arXiv:1502.06366v1, February 2015

Dipole Sensitive, Homogeneous-field Compensated High-Tc dc SQUID

A. Guillaume, F. Ludwig, D. Kajevic, J. M. Scholtyssek, and M. Schilling
 Superconductive News Forum SNF Issue No. 31, ST421, January 2015

Characterization, 1064 nm photon signals and background events of a tungsten TES detector for the ALPS experiment

J. Dreyling-Eschweiler, N. Bastidon, B. Döbrich, D. Horns, F. Januschek & A. Lindner
Journal of Modern Optics, 2015,

Superconducting quantum interference device microsusceptometer balanced over a wide bandwidth for nuclear magnetic resonance applications

A. Vinante, R. Mezzena, and P. Falferi
Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 103909 (2014); 

Hands on CUORE: investigation on the vibrations and temperature control of the cryostat

Simone Marcocci, Francesco Piastra, Dott. Paolo Gorla, Gran Sasso Summer Institute 2014 Hands-On Experimental Underground Physics at LNGS - GSSI14, 22 September - 03 October 2014, Proceedings of Science, PoS(GSSI14)023

Towards the in-situ detection of individual He2* excimers using a Ti TES in superfluid helium

Faustin W. Carter, Scott A. Hertel, Michael J. Rooks, Daniel N. McKinsey, and Daniel E. Prober, IEEE/CSC SUPERCONDUCTIVITY NEWS FORUM (global edition), October 2014

Alkali-vapor magnetic resonance driven by fictitious radiofrequency fields

Elena Zhivun, Arne Wickenbrock, Brian Patton, Dmitry Budker
arXiv:1409.6158v2, September 2014

First Calorimetric Measurement of OI-line in the Electron Capture Spectrum of (163)Ho

P. C.-O. Ranitzsch, C. Hassel, M. Wegner, S. Kempf, A. Fleischmann, C. Enss, L. Gastaldo, A. Herlert and K. Johnston
arXiv:1409.0071v1, August 2014

Comparison of Quantum Hall Effect resistance standards of the PTB and the BIPM

R.Goebel, N.Fletcher, B.Rolland, M.Götz and E.Pesel
Report on the 2013 on-site comparison, Final Report, July 2014

Dry demagnetization cryostat for sub-millikelvin helium experiments: refrigeration and thermometry

I. Todoshchenko, J.-P. Kaikkonen, R. Blaauwegers, P.J. Hakonen, and A. Savin
arXiv:1407.8335, July 2014

Ultrabroadband direct detection of nonclassical photon statistics at telecom wavelength

Kentaro Wakui, Yujiro Eto, Hugo Benichi, Tetsufumi Yanagida, Shuro Izumi,Kazuhiro Ema, Takayuki Numata, Daiji Fukuda, Masahiro Takeoka, and Masahide Sasaki 
 arXiv:1308.1837v1, August 2013

Feedback-enhanced parametric squeezing of mechanical motion

Andrea Vinante, Paolo Falferi, 2013-09-12

Any Light Particle Search II - Technical Design Report

Robin Bähre, Babette Döbrich, Jan Dreyling-Eschweiler, Samvel Ghazaryan, Reza Hodajerdi, Dieter Horns, Friederike Januschek, Ernst-Axel Knabbe, Axel Lindner, Dieter Notz, Andreas Ringwald, Jan Eike von Seggern, Richard Stromhagen, Dieter Trines, Benno Willke
arXiv:1302.5647v2, August 2013

Phase Diagram of the Topological Superfluid 3He Confined in a Nanoscale Slab Geometry

L. V. Levitin, R. G. Bennett, A. Casey, B. Cowan, J. Saunders, D. Drung, Th. Schurig, J. M. Parpia
Science 340, 841 (2013)

Bell violation using entangled photons without the fair-sampling assumption

Marissa Giustina, Alexandra Mech, Sven Ramelow, Bernhard Wittmann, Johannes Kofler, Jörn Beyer, Adriana Lita, Brice Calkins, Thomas Gerrits, Sae Woo Nam, Rupert Ursin & Anton Zeilinger 
Nature 497, 227–230 (09 May 2013)

Precision quantization of Hall resistance in transferred graphene

M. Woszczyna, M. Friedemann, M. Götz, E. Pesel, K. Pierz, T. Weimann, F. J. Ahlers 
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 164106 (2012)

Settling Behavior of the Bridge Voltage in Resistance Ratio Measurements With Cryogenic Current Comparators

 M. Gotz, D. Drung, E. Pesel and F. Ahlers
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 2660-2666, July 2011, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2010.2100690

Magnetoencephalography based on high-Tc superconductivity: a closer look into the brain?

F. Öisjöen, J. F. Schneiderman, G. A. Figueras, M. L. Chukharkin, A. Kalabukhov, A. Hedström, M. Elam, D. Winkler
 arXiv:1111.3241v1, November 2011

A high-T-c flip-chip SQUID gradiometer for mobile underwater magnetic sensing

Keenan, S. T.; Young, J. A.; Foley, C. P  
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23, Issue 2 (2010)

Impedance measurements on a fast transition-edge sensor for optical and near-infrared range

E Taralli, C Portesi, L Lolli, E Monticone, M Rajteri, I Novikov and J Beyer
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010) 105012 (5pp)

Note: Highly sensitive superconducting quantum interference device microsusceptometers operating at high frequencies and very low temperatures inside the mixing chamber of a dilution refrigerator

M. J. Martínez-Pérez, J. Sesé, F. Luis, D. Drung, and T. Schurig
Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 016198, 2010

Photon-number discriminating superconducting transition-edge sensors

Mauro Rajteri, Emanuele Taralli, Chiara Portesi, Eugenio Monticone, and Jörn Beyer
Metrologia 46 S283, 2009

Magnetic imaging method based on magnetic relaxation of magnetic nanoparticles

S. Sarangi, I. C. Tan, and A. Brazdeikis
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 093926 (2009)

Integration of superconducting magnets with cryogen-free dilution refrigerator systems

G. Batey, M. Buehler, M. Cuthbert, T. Foster, A.J. Matthews, G. Teleberg and A. Twin
Cryogenics, Volume 49, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 727-734

Circuit edit of superconducting microcircuits

M J Martínez-Pérez, J Sesé, R Córdoba, F Luis, D Drung, and T Schurig
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 22 (2009) 125020

Measurement and noise performance of nano-superconducting-quantum-interference devices fabricated by focused ion beam

L. Hao, J. C. Macfarlane, J. C. Gallop, D. Cox, J. Beyer, D. Drung, and T. Schurig
Applied Physics Letters 92, 192507, 2008

Characterisation of a TES-Based X-ray Microcalorimeter in the Energy Range from 150 to 1800 eV Using an Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigirator

L. Gottardi , Y. Takei, J. van der Kuur, P. A. J. de Korte, H. F. C. Hoevers, D. Boersma, M. Bruijn, W. Mels, M. L. Ridder, D. Takken and H. van Weers, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 151 1-2 (LTD12), 106-111, April 2008

HTS SQUID measurements of evoked magnetic fields from transverse hippocampal slices

P. Magnelind, D. Winkler, E. Tarte and E. Hanse
New Frontiers in Biomagnetism, proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 21-25, 2006, International Congress Series, Volume 1300, Pages 578-581, June 2007

Nuclear magnetic resonance on room temperature samples in nanotesla fields using a two-stage dc superconducting quantum interference device sensor

R. Körber, A. Casey, A. Shibahara, M. Piscitelli, B. P. Cowan, C. P. Lusher, and J. Saunders, D. Drung and Th. Schurig
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 142501 (2007)

A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer for operation around 1 MHz with a sub-10-mK noise temperature, based on a two-stage dc superconducting quantum interference device sensor

L. V. Levitin, R. G. Bennett, A. Casey, B. P. Cowan, C. P. Lusher, J. Saunders, D. Drung, and Th. Schurig, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 262507 (2007)

Multichannel SQUID System With Integrated Magnetic Shielding for Magnetocardiography of Mice

Ackermann, R., Wiekhorst, F., Beck, A., Gutkelch, D., Ruede, F., Schnabel, A., Steinhoff, U., Drung, D., Beyer, J., Assmann, C., Trahms, L., Koch, H., Schurig, T., Fischer, R., Bader, M., Ogata, H., Kado, H., IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 17, Issue 2, June 2007 Page(s):827 - 830, ASC2007

Targeted delivery of magnetic aerosol droplets to the lung

Dames P, Gleich B, Flemmer A, Hajek K, Seidl N, Wiekhorst F, Eberbeck D, Bittmann I, Bergemann C, Weyh T, Trahms L, Rosenecker J, Rudolph C
Nature Nanotechnology 2007; 2, 495 - 499

Aggregation behaviour of magnetic nanoparticle suspensions investigated by magnetorelaxometry

D Eberbeck, F Wiekhorst, U Steinhoff and L Trahms
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 No 38 (2006) S2829-S2846

Planar high-temperature superconducting dc-SQUID gradiometers for different applications

P Seidel, F Schmidl, C Becker, U Springborn, S Biering, V Grosse
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 (2006) S143–S148

Drug loaded magnetic nanoparticles for cancer therapy

R Jurgons, C Seliger, A Hilpert, L Trahms, S Odenbach and C Alexiou
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) S2893-S2902

Binding kinetics of magnetic nanoparticles on latex beads and yeast cells studied by magnetorelaxometry

Eberbeck D, Bergemann C, Hartwig S, Steinhoff U, Trahms L
J Magnet Magn Mat. 2005;289:435-438

High-Tc SQUID Magnetometers for Low Noise Measurements of Magnetocardiograms

I. S. Kim, K. K. Yu, Y. H. Lee, K. W. Kim, and Y. K. Park
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol. 15, June 2005, 652-655


>Publications related to our products

New PTB Calibration Service for dc SQUID-based Noise Thermometers to Disseminate PLTS-2000

J. Engert, J. Beyer, M. Schmidt, S. Ali Valiollahi, H.-J. Barthelmess and Th. Schurig, IEEE/CSC & ESAS SUPERCONDUCTIVITY NEWS FORUM (global edition), January 2014

Aspects of Application and Calibration of a Binary Compensation Unit for Cryogenic Current Comparator Setups

Drung, D.; Gotz, M.; Pesel, E.; Barthelmess, H.J.; Hinnrichs, C.

Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on (Volume: 62,  Issue: 10), Oct. 2013



Reference measurements of SQUID-based magnetic-field fluctuation thermometers

J Beyer, M Schmidt, J Engert, S AliValiollahi and H J Barthelmess

2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 065010


Noise thermometry at low temperatures: MFFT measurements between 1.6 K and 1 mK

J. Engert, D. Heyer, J. Beyer and H.-J. Barthelmess

2012 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 400 052003


Improving the stability of cryogenic current comparator setups

D Drung, M Götz, E Pesel, J-H Storm, C Aßmann, M Peters and Th Schurig
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 22 (2009) 114004

Improved Cryogenic Current Comparator Setup With Digital Current Sources

Goetz, M.; Drung, D.; Pesel, E.; Barthelmess, H.-J.; Hinnrichs, C.; Assmann, C.; Peters, M.; Scherer, H.; Schumacher, B.; Schurig, T.
IEEE Trans. Instr. and Meas., Volume 58,  Issue 4,  April 2009 Page(s):1176 - 1182

SQUID Activities at PTB: Status 2008

Thomas Schurig and Lutz Trahms
IEEE/CSC & ESAS European Superconductivity News Forum, No. 8, April 2009
Download PDF from News Forum web site

Practical noise thermometers for low temperatures

J. Engert, J. Beyer, D. Drung, A. Kirste, D. Heyer, A. Fleischmann, C. Enss and H.-J. Barthelmess
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 (2009) 012012, LT25
Download PDF from IOP web site

Optimization of SQUID Magnetometers and Gradiometers for Magnetic-Field-Fluctuation Thermometers

A Kirste, D Drung, J Beyer and T Schurig
Journal of Physics, Conference Series 97 (2008) 012320, EUCAS 2007

A Noise Thermometer for Practical Thermometry at Low Temperatures

Jost Engert , Jörn Beyer, Dietmar Drung, Alexander Kirste and Margret Peters
International Journal of Thermophysics, Vol. 28, No. 6 (2007), 1800-1811, TEMPMEKO 2007

A Magnetic-Field-Fluctuation Thermometer for the mK Range Based on SQUID-Magnetometry

Beyer, J.; Drung, D.; Kirste, A.; Engert, J.; Netsch, A.; Fleischmann, A.; Enss, C.

Highly Sensitive and Easy-to-use SQUID Sensors

D. Drung, C. Assmann, J. Beyer, A. Kirste, M. Peters, F. Ruede, and Th. Schurig
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol. 17, Issue 2, Part 1, June 2007, 699-704

High-Performance dc SQUID Sensors and Electronics

D. Drung, C. Assmann, J. Beyer, A. Kirste, M. Peters, F. Ruede, Th. Schurig, C. Hinnrichs, and H.-J. Barthelmess
IEEE/CSC & ESAS News forum, No. 1, ST2, July 2007

Low-noise ultra-high-speed dc SQUID readout electronics

Dietmar Drung, Colmar Hinnrichs and Henry-Jobes Barthelmess
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 (2006) S235-S241

dc SQUID Readout Electronics With Up to 100 MHz Closed-loop Bandwidth

D. Drung, C. Assmann, J. Beyer, M. Peters, F. Ruede, and Th. Schurig
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol. 15, June 2005, 777-780

Digital control of high-performance dc SQUID readout electronics

Bechstein, S.   Drung, D.   Petsche, F.   Scheiner, M.   Hinnrichs, C.   Barthelmess, H.-J.   Schurig, T.
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol. 15, June 2005, 797-800

dc SQUID magnetometers from YBCO for biomagnetic applications

H.-J. Barthelmess, F. Ludwig, M. Schilling, D. Drung, and T. Schurig
High Temperature Superconductivity 2, edited by A. V. Narlikar (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3540406395) 299-336

High-Tc and low-Tc dc SQUID electronics

D. Drung
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 16 (2003) 1320-1336

High-Tc SQUID Sensors with Integrated Earth Field Compensation

D. Drung and T. Schurig
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 13, 2003

High-performance DC SQUID read-out electronics

Dietmar Drung
Physica C, vol. 368, Nos. 1-4, 134-140, Feb. 2002

Improved Direct-Coupled dc SQUID Read-Out Electronics with Automatic Bias Voltage Tuning

D. Drung, S. Bechstein, K.-P. Franke, M. Scheiner, and Th. Schurig